Thursday, May 5, 2011

To my Anonymous Poster who really needs to get a life...

My Blog...My RULES!!

Feel free to continue to share!


  1. Hmmmmm......guess maturity is not your best asset..........hmmmmmm...isn't that what Blogs are for? You ask for comments, yet you only post those that make YOU look good.......hmmmmmm......poor thing......maybe it's you who needs to get a life! Grow up and hopefully you can move on.........but then again that would take maturity on your part...which by your above statement - you have none. Poor misguided, fool!

  2. Freedom of Speech - look it up in the rules for Blogs........I assume you know how to do that!

    Good luck in your future, and hopefully growing up a little bit.......but then your comments when someone posts a never will grow up!

  3. glad that I could help you with that....anything to help an underachiever is always great! that's good that you jumped to 100 hits today and that would be 100 out of how many billions of people on the planet....I'm so glad that your life is perfect. Now, you should be able to move on from your past, stopy lying (according to your posts) to your daughter, and live a fantastic life with your husband. Good luck with that, and GOD BLESS YOU........

  4. Isn't Freedom of Speech Wonderful? So many things to be said, shared, that it makes a pleasant day. Live life to the fullest, and keep counting your hits..............

  5. To Mr. or Mrs. Anonymous...After stumbling on to this blog, I read all of the post. I wanted to be informed before I gave my opinion. Your "perception" seems ludicrous at best. Why are you so angry with a complete stranger? You seem more concerned with bashing this blogger than moving on from your own past. Evidently you have been "wronged" in your past. Honestly, I hope these children, as adults of course, seek out their "birth father" and realize how right their mother was. Sounds like this sperm donor seems more concerned with crushing his little girl’s dreams than trying to have a relationship with his kids and act like a responsible parent. Guess this blog hits a little close to home. Remember, those that live in glass houses should not throw stones. And the Freedom of Speech is the first amendment to our United States Constitution…moron. Mr. or Mrs. Anonymous needs to get a life, FREAK!!!

  6. Moron, Freak? I guess I was correct in that your education level is lacking. Yes, Freedom of Speech is of the US Consitution - how long did it take you to find that on the internet. A blog is just what it is...a blog.....As for it hitting close to home - what yours? I'm not concerned about your ex..what you think he may/may not have done.....those are your demons to deal with. As I have children from a divorce and have horrible things happen, I have never said hurtful things about their father and never will. For I only hurts the parent once children grow up. Glass House??? Ok - I guess if that's your ideal of a rational be it....My past - is just what it is...past history....that what PAST means....good luck in your continued postings, and hopefully one day you will be able to find peace and move forward.....GOD BLESS YOU

  7. The past should be left in the past, otherwise it can destroy your future. Live life for what tomorrow has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away.


  8. First off, I have to say that i was laughing my ass off with that utube clip. Especially, knowing the hell that you have had to deal with your X and his alcoholism. Everyone who really knows your situation in life (including the court) knows that you are not the one in the wrong. I don't know who in the hell that first post was from, but i agree with the other post, they must have some deep seeded personal issues.... the quote "maybe it's you who needs to get a life! Grow up and hopefully you can move on.".....WTF?? Really? Your X is a sorry individual. Instead of blaming everyone else, he needs to get sober and take a little responsiblity for the choices he has made in life and start making amends. If it wasn't for YOUR maturity, strength, love and dedication- those girls wouldn't have been taken care of. Those two little girls are amazing, beautiful and most importantly SMART. I know you have been honorable and positive when you speak of their father because you have ALWAYS had to be the bigger person, and you only wanted to protect them....but one day, they will be old enough to know all of the facts. They will learn how he chose to drink, and endanger their lives on many occasions, they will see the court documents, and terrible texts/ emails that he has sent and mostly his un-involvement in their lives. Then, he will have to answer to them about the poor choices he has made. And on the positive side, they will see how much their mother has done for them. How her incredible love and dedication to them is what gave them the now loving, healthy and supportive family that they now thrive in. Keep your head up and keep blogging!

  9. The past should be left in the past, otherwise it can destroy your future. Live life for what tomorrow has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away.
