Sunday, September 18, 2011

R.I.P. Admiral Scruffington

This week was tough for our family & especially Nicole! Our precious 4 legged friend Scooby passed away at only 5 years (can you believe this?) from Lymphoma. This came as quite a shock to all of us, as just two weeks ago he accompanied us on a weekend get away and held his own with 2 dogs twice his size!

Near the end we knew Scooby's options were slim. Letting him go was one of the most difficult things I've ever had to do! I was extremely proud of My Girl's strength through the whole process. She was insistent that she go with Scooby to the 24 Hour Emergency Clinic & stayed by his side until the vet took him away.

The following day My Girl asked if we should call and tell her "1st Dad" that Scooby was in Heaven. I had anticipated this request, but it still caught me off guard. Scooby had been a gift from us both, so there was a memory attached. I was not surprised by her thoughtfulness and the urge to share her loss. I was sad that there was no one on the other end for her to share it with.


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Back to School Time!


My Girls are getting so big! 
One in Kindergarten & one in Fifth Grade!!